Sheet music
Musical contribution - D. Hart - April 2011
It is indeed worth searching the text and history of this hymn on the web. In composing an arrangement of this lovely, simple hymn, it was my purpose to accomplish two goals: • Make the piece suitable for congregational singing (by repeating the first part as required) or for use as a Prelude, Voluntary or Postlude. • Provide an arrangement whereby the average church organist can site-read the material.
The registration is intended as a suggestion. I would encourage the opening to be played with beautiful string stops (perhaps even 16’ 8’ and 4’) with judicious use of 32’ pedal. When the chorus appears, use full swell coupled to choir foundations with the boxes completely shut. Allow the boxes to open as the verse closes, and build the organ throughout the tag and modulation.
The second verse in D major can be played exactly as written, or the performer may “solo out” the melody on a large reed an octave lower (until the chorus).
The arrangement has become quite popular, and it is my hope that you and your listeners will be inspired by its majestic nature.
J David Hart
Fellow, American Guild of Organists