Sheet music
Musical contribution - A. van Vliet - April 2011
“Wees gegroet, Gij eersteling der dagen” (All Glory Laud and Honor) Easter is very late this year, so there is still plenty of time to look at this arrangement. Plus the prelude can also be used for “Halleluja, eeuwig dank en ere” (Glory be to God on high) and “Eeuwig woord, U willen wij bezingen” (Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim), ensuring you can use it throughout the year.
The melody has been well known in the Netherlands for over 200 years. But it was found in a German bundle way before this time. It was probably written as a folk song, but the melody has undergone many changes during the course of time.
The intro can have quite a high tempo. Approximately 80 for half a note. With a sharp articulation. Beats 1 to 6 and 10 to 15 can be played on a 2 manual (though do pay attention to the pedal torque), but the first 20 beats in the same registration is also perfectly possible. The high chords in beats 5-6 and 18-21 mean we would recommend being very careful with mixture-type stops.
Beats 21-26 should be played manually, in a different tempo and a mild registration. In order to subsequently return to the first character.
The choral has been recorded as a 4-voice, but can be interpreted in line with your own preferences. The melody in octaves is already a huge acquisition.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very blessed Easter.
André van Vliet