Sheet music

Musical contribution - August 2013

bladmuziek met potlood

En liten stund med Jesus (André van Vliet) – A song from Sweden this month. Very much loved and sung. The song has made an appearance in a number of Swedish bundles, including the “Swedish Sunday School Songbook” from 1908. The 6/8 beat has something calming about it. And this is exactly what the text is all about: Restful moments with Jesus. When all the daily worries become too much for you (also when this is not the case), then look for these moments with Him.

This gave me an idea to specifically offer this song during a holiday period. Most people will go away for a few days or weeks. Some time out from the normal daily living environment and everyday rhythm. Relaxing at a different location and enjoying nature, culture and time. Every opportunity to also share these moments with Jesus.

Someone handed me this melody during the preparations for a CD to be released in Sweden, asking whether I could turn this into an arrangement. This pastoral is the result: as a result of the text and the 6/8 beat.

There are several possibilities where the registration is concerned:



flute 8’

principal 8’

flute 8’ and a mutation stop

(very) soft reed stop

flute 8’ and 4’

principal 8’

flute 8’ and 4’ and a mutation stop

soft reed stop

flute 8’ and 2’ (make sure it keeps its pastoral character)

reed stop

flute 8’ with sesquialtera

The pedal will always minimally be 16’ and 8’. Plus possibly coupled to the accompanying manual. The latter isn’t recommended if you are using the 8’ and 2’ combination.

And finally a choral has been added too. Should you feel the need to have the text translated from Swedish, then you also have the option of singing this in and with your congregation. I would very much like to be kept informed.

With Kind Regards,
André van Vliet