
Johannus is proud to take part in the Global Organ Group Concert

Man in blauw pak achter bruin orgel in kerkgebouw

Johannus is extremely proud to take part in a unique organ concert, organized by the Global Organ Group. Four top-class organists in three different countries, playing a beautiful and impressive concert together.

In these challenging times of ‘social distancing’, music can be a beautiful and essential way to connect to others. We are very grateful that we can still enjoy playing music. Together. At such long distances.

For Johannus we see André van Vliet playing a Monarke III in the Hervormde Kerk Drumpt (Tiel, Netherlands). From England we see the organists Ian Tracey playing a Copeman Hart organ, and Shean Bowers playing a Makin Custom organ. Dan Miller joins us from the United States, playing a Rodgers Hybrid organ.

We hope you’ll enjoy this concert!